Appearance-  Sarah looks quite powerful and she always carry her spear. She has light skin
with long curly hair and light pink lips. She's toned very well and likes to wear a mini-skirt and
top. She's very cute and adorable and is about 5 foot 6. She wears black boats and wristbands
with a golden pendent. The left had side of her body is part machine (Android), but it's hard to
tell the difference between the rest of her body.

Background-  Born as a full blooded Saiyan, Sarah is a long lost friend of Gohan. Gohan and
Sarah grow up from birth and were the best of friends, even at school. Sarah trained hard with
Gohan and Goku at the age of 4, but soon left at the age of 7. Her family moved out of town and
took her with them, but she didn't want to go.

Those Sarah was adopted at the age of 4, Goku did take her in at birth, but even those now she
has a good family, she still saw Goku as her real father. She really and truly now knows that
Goku was just someone who was there for her.

At the age of 10, Sarah took part in many fighting competitions and won everyone she was in.
For someone who should just be an ordinary girl, Sarah began to realize that she wasn't like all
the other girls in her town. She had unbelievable strength from a young age and only at the age
of 11 did she come across such powers. Her weird and unbelievable strength made her family worry for there lives and soon end up locking her away.

Being locked away for days and weeks, Sarah trained hard everyday until she couldn't train anymore, until one day, when the world was being threatened by an evil force, Sarah was free from the dark and cold closet and found her family no longer around. But within the dark shadows of her house, her mother and brother called out to her from the bloody floor from were her father was killed. As Sarah looked up, there was a big smile on Cell's face as he killed Sarah's mother and brothers. In anger, Sarah went and attacked Cell, only to be flung back by his tail.

Knowing her family was no longer around, Sarah fought her hardest against Cell, but her hardest wasn't good enough.

Almost beaten to a pole, Sarah had nothing lift and wanted her life to end, but just as Cell was about to deliver a final blow, he just stopped and looked at her and said in a pleased way "I'm surprised that a little kid like you had given me such a problem. Normally I'll kill anyone who tries and fights me, but you are much different then the rest! I don't remember you in the future! Could it be that you also came from my time! Or could it be something much different! Who are you?!"

Almost down and out for the count, Sarah said without much hope, "If I met you before then I would have killed you, but being so weak, I can't do a thing. But if some how I live today, then I swear I will kill you!" Cell just laugh at Sarah before knocking her out.

As days and nights passed, Sarah soon wakes. Hungry and weak, she soon left the town, training everyday on nothing but ravage. Soon, a helping hand came as she passes out in the middle of no where.

Sarah hasn't forgot that time when she was saved by an old friend, and left on a journey to find her self and what she was and who her real family was. She had so many hopes and dreams once she left, but without any doubt, she would be back one day, and that was true, she was back.

After 7 years of none stop training and determination, she had finally arrived. She had achieved three of her goals and now she had only one more to carry out.

She had gotten to know her town all over again and finally met up with her brother Gohan and new brother Goten. Things were looking great for her, but during a tournament Sarah had received massive damage and received a whole lot of treatment for the left side of her body.

During this treatment, Bulma had done an operation which had made Sarah into a half machine. Since then, Sarah has been unconscious leaving her to rest peacefully, until trouble seeks her out.
Sarah's Biography
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