Appearance-  Deep has the appearance of a 22 year old male. He is 5" 9' and is a relatively
average build. He has short white hair that is perpetually unkept and a bored expression that
he keeps during any situation. His eyes are a pale gold that seem vacant and soulless, often
staring through any that would look his way. His skin is pale and never tans. Wears a simple
long sleeved black kimono made for a male and loose fitting dark grey trousers.

Background-  During the bloody era of the Red Ribbon army, they employed scientists to
construct mechanical warriors to aid them in their steady expansion towards world domination.
The scientist that would become the most infamous amongst the scientific community is
Dr Gero, an evil genius with a personal vendetta against the world.

Upon hearing his latest Red Ribbon android, Number Eight, had gone against it's user and
developed a kind-hearted personality, Dr Gero feared backlash from those that funded his
research and development. Later however, news quickly spread that the Red Ribbon army had
been almost totally defeated by one boy. Those that survived were lowly grunts that soon left to
return to their ordinary lives. Angered by the failure of his work and the ineptitude of his former
employers he saw his chance to revolutionize his work. Dr Gero used a team of robotic scouts
to incapacitate a young ex-Red Ribbon soldier and bring him to his lab in the mountains.

Dr Gero used his genius to transform the soldier into his first prototype, one that combined the easily influenced mind of a man with the body of a machine. During the alteration of his body, his mind was also changed. Dr Gero used the latest in hypnosis and synaptic programming to erase the soul of the soldier and implant a copy of Gero's own.

With Dr Gero's work complete he named the Android Number Nine. Gero never once believed he had a talent for naming his creations, even a prototype as potentially important as this. He would save a name for a being he considered to be the greatest of his work, with Nine being only a stepping stone to perfection.

Many years later another of Gero's creations would claim the androids that preceded him had been failures and were destroyed, Android Nine included. This would remain true until 1000 years later.

Present day Earth resides in a time of relative peace and the evil ambitions of Dr Gero and the Red Ribbon army are remembered only in history books. Evil however still lives on in the hearts of certain individuals on the planet and one scientist will be remembered for the actions he would soon take.

Dr Norimaki, an avid collector of samurai paraphernalia and humanoid machines had grown tired of his rotting world. He saw the world as few others did, one that needed a new leader to do what others could not to rid the world of evil. In a twist of fate he and Gero had stumbled across the same path more than 1000 years apart, to combine human and machine to create a greater being. This scientist however could not force himself to transform another human being not even if the subject was willing.

On one of his regular outings to a black market he went to a seller that had grown to know Norimaki quite well over his visits. The scientist eyed over the goods, robotic humans, many of which were service androids, most of them a recent model. He wasn't interested in the newer versions, they were easy to replicate in his lab. Dr Norikmaki only had eyes for the ancient models.

During the usual idle conversation with the seller he noticed an inoperative android hidden almost out of sight. It seemed different from the others in his collection, it's skin seemed much more lifelike but it's mechanical parts showed many centuries of decay. He was compelled to purchase it but kept his motivation secret from the seller who gave him his usual discount for the machine.

Later that day Dr Norimaki began his work on the inoperative android. His first venture was to discover if the skin was recently added as it surely would had degenerated without an active power source maintaining it. After the first few hours of work he hypothesized that there was a separate power source hidden within the android's torso. By the end of the day he was shocked to have found what he had been longing for, an android with biological parts that he could mould into a form for good.

Throughout the week he reassembled the android and redesigned it to modern standards. Upon internal inspection he found the device which had circulated a low level of power for such a long time, an internal bomb which had an emergency fail-safe to act as a power source in case the original was inactive. His readings reported it had very little energy left and so worked more diligently in restoring it's main power before the bomb went dry.

Weeks later he had fully restored and upgraded the android's body, all except for the internal bomb which Norimaki was unable to restore using regular power. Now began the arduous task of diving into the android's mind, which had no doubt been degrading over such time.

Using a virtual reality simulation Dr Norimaki delved into the android's very soul but hit a virtual wall with a number nine stamped on it in large black font. At first Dr Norimaki believed it to be a virus, one that seemed to take up a large part of the android's psyche. After attempting various methods to delete it he became frustrated that his modern day techniques could not destroy such an old virus. During his attempts he noticed it did not behave like a typical virus and that it could in fact be an artificial personality. He used a method to bypass the wall and dived deeper into the virtual mind. There he found a small presence, a marker that seemed to belong. He analysed the marker and found that all emotions had been deleted and that only a program named GERO could be accessed. He accessed the program and came face to face with a virtual Dr Gero.


Norimaki then terminated the program after having gotten a true taste of the voice that screamed inside of the android's mind. He exited the virtual simulation and ended his work early to think over what he should do next.

The day finally came where the android was perfect in the eyes of Dr Norimaki. He had destroyed the GERO program and freed the latent personality from it's grips. The android was almost a son to the scientist and felt it was his duty to name him. He felt the name Deep had some significance with the android's soul being so small and deep within. The scientist had tried his best to regain Deep's emotions but could only come up with an inhuman compromise for his inhuman son. Deep could only ever use any emotion once during his lifetime and that is all. If he were to laugh he could never laugh again.

Though test runs had proved positive it was unknown if Deep would activate and function. After choosing new attire for Deep, the scientist excitedly activated him.

"Hello Deep," said Norimaki softly.


Norimaki smiled and turned to look out of his window. He saw the city a little differently with Deep in it. He knew Deep would be the one to change the world.
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